A stranger to the needs, hopes, and pleasures of the species
Sees the light beacon in the naked trees.
The snow is in a poem to my pride,
Down her little cabin a little hushed side.
Arseniy Valter x Terra Nova collaboration
Creation Process
It all started with an idea of creating something new and unique, idea of collaboration appeared in my head almost immediately. TerraNova besides being an incredible artist and person has a distinctive art style, which I enjoy a lot.
so it began
After a quick call we’ve decided to emphasize on portrait look/face, colors, light and “dreamy” look. Now it was up to me, creating composition, clothes, human, etc…Opening with garment creation & putting it in place on the character. I love shaping clothes for characters in my pieces, since it’s such a powerful tool to form the mood and story of a person.
Next came scene creation, modeling headdress and some minor adjustments to the model. As well as confirming main colors and highlights from original idea.
Materials and lights were building the atmosphere, I took quite some time to focus on lights/shadows in order to bring life to the piece. And my work was done on it, passing the piece to the maestro - TerraNova